Struggling to balance work
& your child's education?
Tutor Hire is your gateway to hiring a private tutor for your child's education.
Online Tutoring Services
Our expert Private tutors offer end-to-end support, ensuring your child excels from homework to exams. Contact with us to hire a Private tutor for college or school students!
Teachers from top uni in BD
Benefit from Math Tutors and Science Tutors hailing from prestigious institutions like BUET, IBA, DU, Primary School Tutor and accomplished English teachers.
Personalised 360ยฐ Care
Choose a diverse range of classes and subjects, perfectly aligned with your child's unique needs.
Parent Teacher Feedback Loop
Rest easy knowing that while you're at work, someone is dedicated to your child's learning.
Complete Homework
Opportunity Class
Selective School Program
and many more!
Our Programs for Excellence
Explore our diverse programs tailored for every learner, ensuring a personalized educational history including NAPLAN Tutor Hire. From foundational skills to advanced subjects, we cater to your child’s unique needs with engaging and effective learning experiences. Our Tutor Hire process simplifies your process of science tutor hire and ensures the best outcome possible.
Discover the academic excellence our tutors bring, representing top-tier institutions such as BUET, IBA, DU, and more. Trust in the quality education forged by their prestigious backgrounds.